1. I pick up a book and quickly plow through to pass the time.
2. I pick up a book, read a few chapters, put it down then pick it up again just because I am obsessive about knowing what happens in a story--whether I like it or not.
3. I pick up a book, become so absorbed that I read until I'm done not even stopping to eat.
4. I pick up a book and become so mesmerized by the story and magnificent writing that I begin to read it aloud. I put down the book not because I am borrowed or tired, but because I want to savor every last word written and I don't want the book to end.
Its a treasure when experience 4 appears in my life. And with Ray Bradbury, I found myself hypnotized by his words yet again as I tasted fall dance on the air.

The sound quality alone would have been enough for me to enjoy this read, but of course Bradbury doesn't stop there. For truly this book is a coming of age story, but not merely of the child, but the adult. It is a story of father and son, son and father. It is a story about change, that change that can't be stopped or pushed to arrive early. It is a story about life and our yearning to not merely ride the merry-go-round in circles, but gallop, jump, and dance across all of life's adventures. And it is a story written in cunning prose that will make your heart quicken. Its fitting that Bradbury dedicated this work to none other than Gene Kelly.
Bradbury's descriptions are profound. My favorite illusion in this book is when he describes the library, "This was a factory of spices from far countries." (p.13) And that is truly what each of Bradbury's books are, a unique spice/flavor that transports you to forgotten times or awakens you to the taste at hand.
I've never read any Bradbury, but I've been meaning to for years. I'm going to start with this book because of this GREAT review. Thanks Denver!! : )