In less than two days Maurice Sendak's eloquent book "Where the Wild Things Are" will be put to film and playing in theaters. A wild rumpus is sure to ensue!
But for the moment the story is just a book for many of us. A beloved book we clung to in youth, flipped the pages, and gazed at each growing image to our eyes delight. The question on my mind is, how are they going to expand a 10 sentence story into a feature length film?
The answer: IMAGINATION.
The previews look amazing, the clips allow me to hope, and I trust in Sendak not to sign off on a project he didn't think would be good.
So here is what I would like to say to those that may want to spoil the wild rumpus for the rest of us:
At one time or another the wolf suit has been worn by all of us. And I hope that no matter what happens with the film, we praise the script writer, director, costume specialist, actors, and all involved in the project for taking on the challenge to please each and every wild thing out there.
So until I see the film (Saturday, October 17 at noon), I am going to take a moment to read the book and cherish the story held in paper and ink, in youth and now adulthood. And I hope I don't have to "roar my terrible roars" or "gnash my terrible teeth" too much when blogging about the movie.
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