Explore New and Exciting Books

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

"We Read to Know We Are Not Alone." C.S. Lewis

I created this story for my Mom, Christmas 2008. Today I figured I should put it on-line to show that sometimes a book takes you places you never expected to go. And it sure doesn't hurt to have a Mom that keeps pushing you to achieve your dreams.

As this is the first blog on my recent endeavor to write more about the things I love (children's and young adult literature), I felt it would be best to tell you all a bit of why I love this genre. So I present you with a personal story, a gift, now made to movie. I will admit I made mistakes while telling it, but they are for you to figure out and explore on your own. The tale is approximately twelve minutes long, so grab a treat and a bit of water and enjoy.

"May we all keep traveling life with a book by our side
and characters to support us through good times and bad.
Keep reading and see how words open your eyes
to that which you thought you had already seen." D.G.O